19 de December de 2018
The Integrity Policy
Integrity. In every detail in our business
Actually, this is not just the slogan of a campaign for employees – the first of many to come, as part of the AMAGGI Compliance Program. The company’s Integrity Policy published in February this year is becoming increasingly alive in our business.
In the last two months, the Compliance team has visited each of the AMAGGI units, sharing the content of the Policy with employees, presenting the Compliance area’s structure and its pillars for actions in the company. The training sessions use a language that is suitable for the different employees (in offices, farms, ports and factories), as well as assistance from the Tibiaaré theater group from Cuiabá, with the play “Integrity: A Show of Attitude”. In it, the Policy’s chapters are staged and employees can learn and internalize the key messages in a relaxed manner, which is fundamental for the Compliance Program and for making our processes even more robust.
It is already possible to identify how these training sessions have been absorbed in the company, fostering reflection on the topics and demonstrating that each employee has his/her own role in this agenda, as established in the Code of Ethics and Conduct. Together, we will achieve our Mission of being a reference company in agribusiness for many, many years.