25 de February de 2022

ESG practices recognized

AMAGGI receives the More Integrity Seal for the 2nd year running

AMAGGI received this Wednesday (23), for the second consecutive year, the 2021/2022 More Integrity Seal, granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) in recognition for good practices adopted by companies and cooperatives at various stages of their food production chain in Brazil. Granted by the federal government, the Seal works to signal to national and international markets the level of excellence of such companies and cooperatives in the food sector in its various stages.


Focusing on ethical, environmentally sustainable, and social responsibility, the More Integrity Seal is in its 4th edition. This time around, 17 companies and cooperatives were awarded, 9 for the first time, receiving the Green Seal. Companies such as AMAGGI, which achieved recognition renewal, received the Yellow Seal, indicating the consolidation of good ESG practices encouraged by the federal government.

“We received the 21/22 More Integrity Seal at a time of wide international recognition by AMAGGI. We were recently named by awards and rankings as one of the leading companies in forest management in the world. Now, the More Integrity Seal sheds light on yet another front of our work, the maturing of our Compliance program. In summary, these acknowledgments indicate that we effectively carry out responsible agriculture which is socio-environmentally sustainable and in full alignment with the best corporate practices. We believe that this is currently one of the most important messages we have for the market”, comments Juliana de Lavor Lopes, ESG, Communications and Compliance Director at AMAGGI, who represented AMAGGI at the Seal delivery ceremony in Brasília, this Wednesday (23), with the company’s Compliance Manager, Talitha Medrado.

To grant the More Integrity Seal to agricultural companies or cooperatives annually, MAPA designates a Management Committee dedicated to evaluating efforts of production chains against fraud and corruption risks, in addition to implementing initiatives aimed at socio-environmental responsibility. Companies and cooperatives applying for the Seal must prove that they have adopted Compliance programs, codes of ethics and conduct, effective reporting channels and actions focused on socio- environmental responsibility, such as training to improve organizational culture.


Applicants for the Seal also need to have good agricultural practices in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, not have committed environmental crimes in the past 24 months, be up to date with labor obligations (no fines related to this topic in the last 2 years) and not have cases of processes and products tampering or falsification inspected by MAPA.