Who we are

Awards and

Forbes Agro100

AMAGGI ranked 9th out of 100 companies. The ranking takes into account net revenue for 2023.

Veja Negócios

AMAGGI was selected as one of the 100 most influential companies in Brazil, according to the Veja Negócios magazine ranking. The criteria used for this classification include revenue, profitability, reputation, innovation, pioneerism, leadership and ESG policies. Furthermore, AMAGGI is among the 60 companies that are references in the market and leaders in their respective sectors in Brazil.

Anuário Época Negócios 360º

AMAGGI ranked 1st in "Socio-Environmental ESG", within the Agribusiness category. In the same segment (Agribusiness), AMAGGI ranked 5th in "ESG – Governance" and 6th in "Financial Performance".

Agribusiness Yearbook

AMAGGI ranked 6th in the “500 Largest Agribusiness Companies” ranking by Globo Rural magazine. It ranked 1st as the largest company in Mato Grosso and the Central-West region. In the “Soybean and Oil Industry” category, AMAGGI ranked 3rd, considering net revenue.

Value 1000

- 26th position in the overall ranking of 1,000 companies analyzed.
- Largest company in the North and Central-West regions.
- In the Agribusiness category: Amaggi is the 4th largest in net revenue in the agricultural sector.

Best & Biggest

AMAGGI in 31st place among the largest in the country (in net revenue)

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Program)

Amaggi achieved a leadership rating in the Forestry category, being the only soybean producer and trading company to achieve this index in the world ranking.

Forest 500

Amaggi ranked 2nd in the global ranking of 500 companies and 1st in the soybean segment.

Most Admired HRs in Brazil

AMAGGI HR as a regional highlight in the Central-West region.

Selo Mais Integridade

Amaggi was awarded a certificate by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) in recognition of its commitments established with good integrity practices.

IIA May Brasil 2024

Amaggi received the IIA May Brazil 2024 seal from the Brazilian Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) for its efficient and dedicated internal audit, aligned with the best global practices recognized by the IIA.